Real Talk with Tamera Podcast Episode 13 January in Review

Ya’ll we made it through January, well almost because as I look at my calendar it is the 28th and I gotta be honest, I’m ready for this month to be over. 

January is typically my slowest and lowest revenue month of the year and it was certainly felt. The great news is that all of my bills were paid. I had more free time to plan and review my business. I’m redesigning my website and improving a few workflows. I have more clarity on my overall goals for this year and I feel overall optimistic about the year. I’m even expanding my offerings for beauty & wellness product based businesses which will roll out in the Spring. 

However, I did find myself feeling like I had too much free time. It’s led me through a rabbit hole of thought & contemplation. This episode is just my thoughts and my review of January. I’ll be planning to do a review of each month this year to just track my growth & share with you guys. As always I’d love to hear your thoughts.

During this episode I’m sharing:

  • Why I felt like I have too much free time

  • Why my financial health supersedes my revenue goals this year

  • Why I just cannot & will not launch a course this year (or ever)


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